Bringing together stakeholders involved in the healthcare sector

Members of the Pharma Logistics Club respect professional ethics and aim to work together towards common objectives, in accordance with the rules of our Ethics Charter:

  • facilitate exchanges in pharmaceutical ethics and culture,
  • anticipate developments in the Health Product Market,
  • guarantee the quality of the Health Product throughout the logistics chain all the way to the patient.

Serge Alezier the soul of the PLC, the creator of TIPS​

Photographie qui représente deux personnes qui gèrent la logistique

The Pharma Logistics Club was created in 2015 by Serge Alezier. With his commitment, Serge has mobilized his efforts to unite stakeholders in the healthcare sector and work together on best distribution practices on a global scale.

Serge died in 2020 but his initiative to create an environment for sharing, reflection, exchange of ideas and proposals around the challenges and changes in health logistics persists.

The Pharma Logistics Club continues to bring together players involved in the transport and logistics of health products, by promoting exchanges and mutual learning between diverse professional circles. We encourage innovation and highlight innovative projects.

The values of the Club

Our principles are based on listening, mutual respect and mutual assistance, teamwork, trust, sharing of good practices, guaranteeing the confidentiality of information and personal data, the absence of any commercial approach.

Femme qui tient un megaphone pour exprimer ses idées

Independence of thought and action

We are proud to ensure our financial autonomy, by eliminating any dependence on state or political structures. This guarantees an association free from any external influence.

Illustration d'une femme avec plusieurs bras pour illustrer les différentes expertises de l'entreprise

Various expertise

We believe in the power of diversity. By bringing together expertise from different worlds within the Pharma logtiscs club – we create a community rich in perspectives, stimulating the sharing of knowledge and ideas

Homme assis sur une fusée pour représenter "l'esprit start-up, être à la pointe de quelque chose"

Intelligence foresight

We focus on foresight intelligence, anticipating developments within the pharmaceutical supply chain. Our commitment to shaping the future is reflected in our ability to identify and respond to emerging trends.

For whom?​

An interprofessional association, the Pharma Logistics Club brings together all the experts and players in the professions involved in health logistics.


and logistics

Sectors from

And around twenty sectors: ports, airports, airlines, shipping companies, freight forwarders, specialized road carriers, insulated packaging manufacturers, traceability solutions, customs experts, security, legal experts, insurers, trainers and Best Practices certifiers of Distribution (BPD/GDP), institutions and federations, suppliers of IT solutions.

For whom ?

An interprofessional association, the Pharma Logistics Club brings together all the experts and players in the professions involved in health logistics.



supply chain sectors

Members of the office

Frédéric de Girard


Nicolas Fernandes


Pierre Bailly


Ludovic Couturier

Deputy treasurer

Cédric Porte


Club News

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